About Sam Schimmel

Focused on Alaskan Tribal Issues

Based in Kenai, Alaska, Sam Schimmel is a Stanford University political science graduate who has been active in leadership capacities as a student senate member. While studying at Stanford, Sam Schimmel served as an Arctic Youth Ambassador, representing the state of Alaska with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. He represented rural community concerns through a combination of action and advocacy.

Mr. Schimmel also gained experience in 2018 as an intern for Congressman Don Young, where he liaised with various Alaska Native communities. His focus was on ensuring that constituents had fair access to opportunities and resources. He also focused on the Alaska Native Veterans Land Allotment Equity Act. In addition, he has interned with BP in Anchorage, where he worked with Alaska Native Villages in establishing positive community relations.

Sam Schimmel has received numerous accolades for his work. In 2022 he was named a No Kid Hungry and Share Our Strength National Champion. He also received the EPA Tribal Operations Committee Environmental Excellence Award for addressing issues such as pollution in local waterways. Passionate about traditional tribal arts, he has participated in Yupik drumming and traditional carving , as well as subsistence hunting and fishing.